Hi, I’m Katherine Nilbrink, and I was you.

I was a chronic yo-yo dieter, always searching for the diet to help me finally lose the extra weight and keep it off.  I hated the way my body looked and thought if I could just achieve some number on the scale, I would love myself and my life would be perfect.

The irony of all of this is that when I look back at photos of when I was younger and beginning this battle with weight, self-hatred, and food – I actually didn’t need to lose any weight.  I was at a perfect size for me, within a healthy weight range, and was fit and strong.

I had been made fun of because I had a “booty” (which is “in” now!) I was told I was “chubby” by my dad, because I wasn’t rail-thin like some of my peers. So I took on that message that I was “fat” and somehow “not right.”

I started my first diet the summer between 7th and 8th grade. Which led to a life-long search for the “perfect” diet to help lose the extra weight and learn to love myself. And because that first diet led me to feel deprived and hungry, I couldn’t stay on it. As an active teenager in gymnastics, pom-pom squad, running, and other sports, I was TRULY hungry!

But because of those feelings of deprivation and true hunger, that first diet quickly led to REAL weight gain and overeating – and it began a cycle that I couldn’t stop.

Oh, the irony.

As we all know, diets don’t work.

Sure, you can lose weight by restricting calories, but the real problem was that I was eating too much.  It wasn’t the DIET so much as learning how to stop overeating and use food for something other than food. Dieting taught me how to overeat and override my own body’s knowledge of what it needs, so I had to stop dieting to begin to stop overeating.

This search for the “perfect plan” led me to devoting my whole life to this problem. I became an award-winning aerobics instructor. I studied nutrition, anatomy, physiology, and psychology in undergrad and graduate school. I became a Master Certified Coach in the search for how to create a happier life (for myself and then others!) I worked in a residential eating-disorder facility, helping residents learn about food and nutrition and how to feed themselves appropriately and mindfully. I even helped developed Whole Foods Market’s Healthy Eating program. . . .

And I came across research that helped me achieve amazing physical health through nutritional excellence. I learned about how some foods stimulate our brains in such a way as to create the craving to overeat.

But we all know it’s not just about the food. I also noticed that most people struggle with sticking with their new, healthier habits because they keep fighting the urge to overeat. This is where I realized it was actually a lot easier to break this pattern than we are told, and I came up with . . .


a non-therapeutic method of stopping the all-consuming thoughts around food. And with that method, I finally stopped overeating.

But it was the work I did on myself that brought me to where I am today. At peace and filled with joy. We don’t hate ourselves thin. In fact, it was that self-hatred that made me gain the weight in the first place.

So – I get it. I was you.

But I’m also here to tell you that there is light at the end of this tunnel.

Today, I live free from the fear of continually overeating and dieting – free from the fear that I will always be doomed to feeling like food and my weight control me.

It’s why I do what I do. Because I found a solution that works. A REAL solution, where you eliminate your desire to overeat – forever.

Where food doesn’t control you.

Where your weight isn’t a constant source of stress.

Where you are no longer at war with yourself but wake up loving the body you’re in.

Where you finally have to time to devote to living a life YOU dream of versus always waiting for life to start because you aren’t “thin enough.”

And I have made it my mission to share this with you. Because YOU MATTER, too. And I want you to feel this same wonderful joy, peace, and freedom.

So won’t you join me on the journey? If you do, I’ll show you the way.