
Are You REALLY Hungry?

Are You REALLY Hungry?

Recently I had a client reach out to say she had struggled the night before with her food and had succumbed to a binge.  She was dealing with it and moving forward but wondered if she should eat breakfast that morning or skip it to offset the binge. I realized that...

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Say Hello To YOU!

Say Hello To YOU!

I have a saying that I often say to clients or  to people asking me what I do, "When we stop overeating, that is when we really start to get to know ourselves." Because people who are overeating are masking a big part of themselves which stops them from truly...

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Who Inspires YOU?

Who Inspires YOU?

As LifeTrekk continues to evolve, I realize that this work I do isn't just about whole food plant based nutrition - although it is.  It's not just about healing our relationship with food and our bodies through activating JOY (although it is that too). But it's also...

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